
Smeltpuntapparaat MP-250 digital


Offers an easy way to measure the melting points of samples without sacrificing accuracy; the temperature resolution is within 0.1°C. Ideal for multiple users, being ergonomically designed to ensure comfortable viewing for everyone, with a height-adjustable extension arm and a viewing head that may be rotated to suit each user. Viewing head holds a viewing magnifier that offers 8X magnification.

  • View up to three samples simultaneously for greater efficiency.
  • Height-adjustable arm with viewing magnifier folds away for easy storage.
  • Integral light and 8x magnifying lens enhance sample observation.
  • Three audible beeps indicate when temperature is stable and ready for sample.
  • 4 x 1 melt memory capacity.
  • Adjustable object lens for sharp focus.
  • The MP-250D series digital melting point apparatus allows you to easily view three capillary tube samples simultaneously through the 8x magnifying lens.
  • The adjustable extension arm can be set to different viewing heights making it ideal for multiple users.
  • A rotating viewing head and safety eye piece eliminate glare on the lens and protect you against hot zone.
  • A 13-key membrane keypad offers easy-to-use menus.
  • The conveniently located push button controls allow temperature recording without looking away from the sample.
  • A digital microprocessor with ±0.1°C resolution provides fast warm-up and accurate temperature control.
  • Units can be calibrated by on site or by the manufacturer/service organization.
  • A calibration kit is required if you choose to calibrate on site.

Stuart Smeltpuntsapparaat, analoog type MP-100

  • Simple to use—place sample in capillary tube, set heating rate, and watch for melt.
  • Test and view three samples at the same time.
  • Heat up to 20°C/min. close to melt temperature then set to slower heating rate of 1° to 10°C/min.
  • Read temperature mercury-free blue-spirit-filled thermometer.
  • Take melting point measurements of up to three samples at once for greater efficiency.
  • Easy-to-follow instructions are printed directly on the unit.
  • Place your sample in a capillary tube and insert it into the aluminum block.
  • Manually set the heating rate between 1°C and 20°C per minute, up to a maximum of 250°C.
  • Lowering the heating rate as you near the expected melting point temperature will increase the accuracy of the reading.
  • Observe the sample through the magnifying lens until the melt occurs and read the melt temperature from the thermometer.
  • Apparatus is supplied with open-ended capillary tubes.
  • One end should be sealed with a Bunsen burner; or purchase optional capillary tubes separately that are already sealed.
  • Order the optional brass cooling plug to speed up cooling when multiple runs are needed.

Stuart Smeltpuntsapp. digitaal MP-200


Select, measure and display melting point digitally and negate the need for a thermometer. Stuart™ Digital Melting Point Apparatus displays temperature to 0.1 degree resolution depending on the model chosen.

  • Select, measure, and display the temperature digitally, ensuring accuracy and repeatability.
  • Easily view the melt via magnifying lens with built-in illumination.
  • Be more productive—test two samples simultaneously.
  • Save time by setting a plateau temperature for initial warm-up.
  • Designed for maximum safety and ease of use.
  • Select, measure, and display the temperature digitally, ensuring accuracy and avoiding the need for a glass thermometer.
  • Test two samples simultaneously, viewing the melt via a magnifying lens with built-in illumination.
  • Extend the back feet for the optimal viewing angle.
  • Set a plateau temperature for initial warm-up—unattended warm-up time frees up the user until the plateau temperature is reached.
  • After warm-up, heating rate continues slowly reaching the melt temperature for greater accuracy.

Smeltpunt-meetinstrument MPM-V01


Voor het volautomatisch bepalen van een monster.

Via het LCD kleurentouchdisplay wordt de starttemperatuur ingesteld (ca. 4-5 °C onder het te verwachten smeltpunt). Gevuld capillair wordt na het bereiken van de gekozen starttemperatuur met de gesloten zijde naar onderen in de capillairgeleiding gelaten (glijsysteem). Dit glijdt automatisch in het meetkanaal en start de meting met de ingestelde verwarmingswaarde. Na voltooiing van de meting worden starttemperatuur, smeltpunt en een grafiek voor het transparantieverloop op het display weergegeven.

  • Geheugen voor 10 meetresultaten direct aan het apparaat
  • Met SD-kaartlezer - opslaan van meetwaarden op SD-kaart in csv-formaat
  • USB-aansluiting voor de overdracht van alle relevante meetgegevens met pc-software. Daar kan een volledig meetprotocol worden aangevuld en van commentaren worden voorzien.
  • Met het databankfunctiebestand op de SD-kaart kunnen in Excel™ andere substanties met startwaarden worden aangemaakt en opgeslagen. De databank kan naar wens worden uitgebreid en op het smeltpuntmeetinstrument worden overgedragen en opgeslagen.
  • Automatische terugkoeling met ventilator
  • SUBS-D 9 pol. printeraansluiting
Levering incl. 100 smeltpuntbuisjes, USB-kabel, pc-software en SD-geheugenkaart.