
Alle op deze pagina getoonde slide-kits hebben een levertijd

Preparatenset mineralen en steensoorten


Set van 10 verschillende steensoorten en mineralen. Plaats het preparaat in de microscoop en identificeer rotsen en mineralen op basis van vorm, kleuren, breking en ingesloten fossielen.
Met behulp van een polarisatiekit op de microscoop of een gewone polarisatiemicroscoop kan aanvullende informatie over het preparaat worden verkregen.

Set bevat de volgende preparaten:

  • Graniet
  • Syeniet
  • Gabbro
  • Basalt
  • Gneis
  • Schist
  • Kwartsiet
  • Marmer
  • Zandsteen
  • Kalksteen

Beginner’s Slide Set

Twelve slides selected for a student’s first lessons with a microscope. Includes a study guide with activities that help students learn to position objects for viewing, to adjust focus, and how to care for a microscope and slide. Contains letter “e,” newspaper print, colored threads, cork, dust, cotton fibers, nylon fibers, cornstarch, salt crystals, wool fibers, silk fibers, and volcanic ash.

Life in a Pond Slide Set

Eight slides of typical pond organisms give a condensed view of the multitude of life that can be found in ponds. Includes one or more examples of blue-green algae, green algae, protozoans, plants, and animals.

All About Me Slide Set

This set of 6 slides gives an introductory view of the human body. Represented are bone, blood, hair, cheek cells, muscle, and skin. Includes study guide.

Tobacco Mosaic Virus, section

One prepared slide, leaf showing healthy and diseased tissue.Thickness 12uM  

Basic Science Slide Set

Six slides selected to introduce students to microscopy. Includes letter "e," cork, salt crystals, dust, volcanic ash, and insect. With study guide.

Earthworm structure

6 slides covering the main anatomical features of the earthworm. 

Burger and Fries slide set

A microscopic look at America's favorite “fast food.” Contains slides demonstrating the source material for the burger, lettuce, tomato, pickle, bun, and french fries. Includes a brief study guide that discusses the biology of this common meal.

Leven in de bodem preparaten, 17 soorten


Preparatenset de bodem. 17 verschillende preparaten die meer laten zien over het leven in de bodem.

Set bevat de volgende preparaten:

  1. Bodembacteriën - van zure grond
  2. Nitriet bodem bacteriën - Genereert schadelijke stikstofverbindingen
  3. Ectotrofische mycorrhiza - Hierbij dringen de schimmeldraden in de intercellulaire ruimten en dus niet in de cellen van de plantenwortel
  4. Endotrofische mycorrhiza - Hierbij dringen de schimmeldraden in de cellen van de plantenwortel.
  5. Stikstofbindende bacteriën - in symbiose met lupinewortel, doorsnede
  6. Rottende bladeren - Marmering en humusvorming
  7. Wilde mosterd, stengel, doorsnede
  8. Bodembacteriën - Bacillus megaterium, sporen vormende bacterie
  9. Schimmel in houtwortel, wortelpunt, doorsnede
  10. Intacte cellenlaag als indicator voor schone lucht
  11. Xerocomus - paddenstoel (boleet)
  12. Duingras- geplant als bescherming tegen erosie, dwarsdoorsnede
  13. Lumbricus - Regenworm; verbetert de grond, doorsnede
  14. Collembola, springstaarten; helpt bladafval te verwerken tot compost, woont in de grond
  15. Bosaarde
  16. Humus of teelaarde
  17. Verzuurde aarde

Microbiology Slide Set, General

Twenty slides present an overview of microbiology. Includes examples from 3 kingdoms: monerans (bacteria and blue-green algae), fungi (molds, yeast, and mushroom), and protists (protozoa and algae). Also includes an 8-page study guide.

Microorganisms Slide Set, Common

Includes 20 slides selected to introduce students to the great diversity of microscopic organisms in our world. Includes examples from 4 kingdoms: monerans (bacteria and blue-green algae), protists (protozoa and algae), fungi (molds and lichen), and animals (rotifer and Daphnia). 

Beginners Fungi Slide Set

Twelve slides of common saprophytic fungi. Includes examples of phycomycetes (algal-like fungi), ascomycetes (sac fungi), and basidiomycetes (club fungi) that perform the important ecological function of decomposition.

Botany Atlas and Slide Set

Set includes A Photographic Atlas for the Botany Laboratory and microscope slides. Slides have been selected to complement the photographs and drawings in the atlas. Set of 100 slides provides a balanced representation of the major groups of botanical organisms. Designed to accompany any botany text or laboratory manual. The atlas comes with a 3-ring binder so additional information or notes can be added.

Beginner’s Plant Slide Set

Twelve slides selected to give an introductory survey of plant parts and tissues. Includes a study guide to help learn some of the differences between the 2 major groups of flowering plants and about plant growth and reproduction. 

Euglena Slide

Investigate the general structure of Euglena  using this prepared microscope slide. The stained single-celled protozoans have visible nuclei.

Schoolserie Nr 1

Beenweefsel mens, Skeletspier hondHuid mens met haarfollikel. Huid dwarsBloeduitstrijk mens, Giemsa kleuringAmoebe, Amoeba proteusZoetwaterpoliep, Hydra, met knopvormingRegenworm, WatervloHuisvlieg, monddelen en poot met haakjesHuisvlieg, vleugelUi schaal, mitose worteltopMais, Zea mays, stengel, c.s.Zonnebloem, Helianthus, jonge stegel c.s.Zonnebloem, Helianthus, blad, c.s.Monocot/dicot bloem, mais en boterbloemLelie, Lilium, vruchtbeginsel, c.s.Sterremos, Mnium, w.m.Broodschimmel, Rhizopus nigricans.ontwikkelde sporangiënDiatomeeën, w.m.Spiraalwier, Spirogyra ap., vegetatiefTandplak, bacteriën, uitstrijk

Beginners Algae slide set

Seven slides of common freshwater algae. Includes one or more examples of blue-green algae, diatoms, desmids, filamentous green algae, and motile green algae.

Common Algae Slide Set

Sixteen slides selected to demonstrate the diversity of organisms from various taxonomic groups commonly called algae. Includes single-celled, colonial, and multicellular forms. Blue-green, golden, green, brown, and red algae are represented

Algae in Water Supplies Slide Set

A reference set of 25 slides demonstrating various types of algae commonly found in surface-water reservoirs. Includes examples of taste- and odor-causing algae, filter-clogging algae, polluted-water algae, clean-water algae, plankton and surface algae, and algae that attach to reservoir walls.

Beginner's Chick Whole Mount Slide Set

Various stages of chick development are represented in this set of 5 slides

Chick Embryology Slide Set

A set of 12 slides demonstrating chick development. Includes whole mounts, serial sections, and representative sections of varying ages.

Basic Medical Histology Slide Set

This basic collection of 50 slides taken from human or comparable mammalian tissues is an excellent resource for instruction at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Most organ systems and tissues are represented.

Basic Anatomy and Atlas Slide Set

Set includes 75 slides and A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory. Slides are specially selected to complement the atlas and represent all major organ groups. The atlas comes with a 3-ring binder so additional information or notes can be added.

Histologie preparaten, 100 stuks


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